
Why you should choose a non-perforated breathable house wrap.

When it comes to choosing a house wrap for your building project, you may be faced with a choice between non-perforated and micro-perforated options. While both types have their advantages, non-perforated house wraps are generally the better choice. Here's why:

When it comes to choosing a house wrap for your building project, you may be faced with a choice between non-perforated and micro-perforated options. While both types have their advantages, non-perforated house wraps are generally the better choice. Here's why:

When it comes to choosing a house wrap for your building project, you may be faced with a choice between non-perforated and micro-perforated options. While both types have their advantages, non-perforated house wraps are generally the better choice. Here's why:

Non-perforated house wraps provide superior protection against water intrusion. Because they are solid and do not have any holes or perforations, they create a complete barrier against moisture, preventing it from penetrating the walls of your building. This is especially important for buildings in areas with high levels of precipitation or humidity, as it helps to prevent mold, rot, and other forms of water damage.

In addition, non-perforated house wraps offer better air sealing capabilities, preventing drafts and improving energy efficiency. They are also more durable than micro-perforated options, less prone to tears and punctures.

But what about breathable house wraps? Aren’t they designed to let water vapor through the material, allowing the internal structure to dry? Absolutely! Breathable house wraps offer excellent moisture management, allowing moisture vapor to escape from inside the walls while preventing liquid water from entering. This helps to prevent mold, rot, and other types of damage caused by excess moisture. However, it is important to note that breathable house wraps are still solid and do not have any perforations, making them superior to micro-perforated house wraps when it comes to water intrusion and durability.

In conclusion, non-perforated house wraps are the better choice for most building projects. They provide superior protection against water intrusion, better air sealing capabilities, and greater durability than micro-perforated options. While breathable house wraps do offer excellent moisture management, they are still solid and do not compromise the integrity of the wrap like micro-perforated options can. So when it comes to protecting your building against water damage, air leakage, and other types of damage, non-perforated house wraps are the way to go

Here is a summary of the Features & Benefits of using a breathable house wrap:

Moisture Management

Breathable house wraps allow moisture vapor to escape from inside the walls, preventing it from getting trapped and causing damage. This is particularly important in areas with high humidity or where temperature fluctuations are common. By keeping the walls dry, you can reduce the risk of mold and rot, prolonging the life of your building.

Energy Efficiency

Breathable house wraps can help improve your building’s energy efficiency. By allowing air to circulate and preventing moisture buildup, they help reduce the workload on your HVAC system, resulting in lower energy bills. 

Easy Installation

Breathable house wraps are easy to install, requiring no special tools or equipment. They come in rolls that can be quickly and easily cut to size, and they can be installed over virtually any surface. This means that your building project can move ahead quickly and smoothly, without the need for extensive preparation or specialized labor.

Increased Comfort

By managing moisture and improving energy efficiency, breathable house wraps can help make your home or building more comfortable for its occupants. This is particularly important in areas with extreme weather conditions, where proper insulation and ventilation can make a big difference in the overall comfort level of the building.

Long-Term Savings

While breathable house wraps may be slightly more expensive than traditional house wraps, they offer significant long-term savings. By preventing moisture buildup and reducing the workload on your HVAC system, they can help prolong the life of your building and reduce energy costs over time. Additionally, some house wraps offer added protection against UV rays and other environmental factors, further extending the life of your building.

In conclusion, using a breathable house wrap is a smart choice for any building project. From moisture management and energy efficiency to ease of installation and long-term savings, breathable house wraps offer a range of benefits that make them the superior choice for your building. So if you’re looking for a reliable and effective house wrap, consider going breathable – your building and its occupants will thank you.